The Story of Saving Levi

Left to Die... Destined to Live

Saving Levi

Covered with third- to fourth-degree burns over 70 percent of his body, the tiny baby boy shrieked in agony in a cold village field on the outskirts of Langfang, China. Horrified villagers gathered around him, then walked away. But one older man, stayed behind, gathered the child in his arms, and went for help. His compassion and courage sparked a momentous chain of events.

The baby left to die would bring together people from different countries, faiths, and backgrounds in a successful battle to save his life and secure his future.

Lisa Misraje and her family left a comfortable life in Vancouver, Washington to embark on a journey to find meaning in their lives. They traveled to China and set-up an orphanage for special-needs children, the ones most at risk in the Chinese welfare system. One day they got news of a badly burned infant left to die that would change their lives forever.

Saving Levi is an amazing true story about one woman’s odyssey to save a little boy against all odds. At conflict with doctors, government officials, and even her own family, Lisa continued to fight to save Levi, who doctors said was beyond help. Every time a door closed, she relentlessly searched to find another one open; always getting what she needed at the precise time she needed it most.

Lisa’s unwavering determination rallied others to her cause, inspiring a global community to join the effort. United by compassion, people from around the world paused their busy lives to save a dying baby. It was like a relay race, where the baton was passed from one caring individual to another. Each person’s effort was crucial; if even one had faltered, baby Levi might not have survived. Levi was left to die but destined to live.

In a divided world, we need something unifying. Saving Levi does just that. The name Levi, meaning to bind and unite, perfectly captures the story’s essence and its power to foster unity and hope.

Short Video Created in 2002 by Life Outreach International

The Story

From The Book