Media Reviews


Media Reviews

I put down Lisa Misraje’s book Saving Levi ready to cheer for the spirit of a woman who refused to recognize international, cultural, or linguistic boundaries in her quest for justice on behalf of a severely burned little Chinese boy. Bentley adopted him as one of her own, displaying a grace and compassion one rarely finds today.

John M. Glionna
Seoul Bureau Chief, Los Angeles Times, and award-winning journalist

Saving Levi is an inspiring and uplifting book about how the life of one little Chinese boy was saved. Lisa Bentley tells her own story with brutal honesty, about the difficult road that she and little Levi have walked together. It is a book about the wonders and the tragedies of modern China, but most of all about the power of prayer—and persistence—and how God’s faithfulness transformed and sustained a single human life and the family who came to love him. An extraordinary tale of compassion and hope, and of God’s love at work amid the tumultuous change of modern China.

Rob Gifford
The Economist-China Editor, London Bureau Chief for National Public Radio (1999- 2005), and bestselling author

I would not care to know anyone with a heart cold enough to remain unmoved by this gripping story. Lisa Misraje’s complete determination to save Levi is an absolute marvel that demonstrates the power of love and resolute faith.

Alan Paul
Wall Street Journal, and two-time New York Times bestselling author

Lisa stands as a humble example of what can happen when a man or woman actually lives out the truth that God cares for orphans

Kay Warren
Bestselling author & cofounder of Saddleback church

While visiting China, I was fortunate enough to have witnessed the extraordinary heartfelt works of Lisa’s orphanage. I was completely moved the their absolute unselfishness and unwavering commitment and passion for bettering the lives of so many special-needs orphans. The visit was a highlight of our trip and touched many of our Platinum Partners. Since then we have been blessed to support their work, an exceptional organization that is impacting the lives of so many vulnerable people in China.

Tony Robbins
#1 New York Times bestselling author, philanthropist, and the nation’s #1 life and business strategist

I read Saving Levi in one sitting on an airplane flight between California and New York. The book was so compelling I couldn’t put it down. Lisa Misraje’s gritty determination and maternal love will be inspiring to all readers. To call her story a “good: one is a vast understatement. It’s nothing short of remarkable.

Hope Edelman
#1 New York Times bestselling author

Hearing the God sized details of how Levi’s life was saved and seeing God’s people come together for the cause fo this little boy serves as an inspiration to us all.

Mary Beth Chapman
New York Times bestselling author, and wife of Grammy and Dove Award-winning recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman

By reaching out and providing love and medical care to each child, Lisa is showing to the rest of the world the tremendous good that can come from exporting America’s compassion and generosity.

Tommy Thompson
19th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Governor of Wisconsin

I first met Lisa 12 years ago while I was the Sales Manager of United Airlines in Beijing. She came to our office and told us about a young child, Levi, who had been abandoned and left in a field to die and needed emergency surgery to live. Her story was so compelling, how could we resist wanting to try to help?

Steven Leiberman
CFO United Airlines

Lisa’s life and work in China has helped many Chinese orphans and families. Her story Saving Levi is an amazing adventure bringing together an unlikely mixture of Governments and people from around the world. We hope one day to see Saving Levi made into a full-feature film showing the difference we can make by working together

Wang Liwei
Vice Mayor Guanxian County Shandong, founder of Charitarian Magazine (China’s leading philanthropy magazine)

I could not have asked for a more miraculous, courageous, intimate story

Henry Luk
Owner Ace Film Studio, movie producer

Saving Levi will challenge your faith by recounting moment after miraculous moment where God provided above and beyond the wildest dreams.

Aaron Shust
GMA Dove Songwriter of the Year, 2007

There are things that happen in your life that you never will forget… like meeting the love of your life or the birth/adoption of your child(ren), horrible accidents, death of a parent, a favorite vacation….. but the life of Levi Bentley is one of those events. Rarely in our lives do we get to witness and be a part of the hand of God, a miracle, a true blessing in real time. Twenty years have gone by since I first met Lisa after a phone call about hospitalized baby Levi. I thank God for that call, for the calls I then made, for the corporate friends who kicked into gear to help Lisa save Levi’s life. It isn’t that we didn’t experience miracles often in orphan support work in China. We all have stories, many. But Levi was different. The odds were stacked so far against him even living that to this day it brings tears to my eyes. Lisa was so brave, so determined, so raw with emotion. . . How could any of say no? Impossible situations require strong women! Please take the time to get a copy of Saving Levi. Read it. Real people can make miracles happen when they believe they can.

Dr. Jane Liedtke
Our Chinese Daughters Foundation (Founder), Bay Leaf Cottages and Bistro, Maine (Current Co-owner)