Levi Bentley

Levi’s journey is one of extraordinary resilience and triumph. At just six weeks old, he was found in a field, wrapped in burial clothes, with 70% of his body severely burned. Against all odds and with the relentless support of people worldwide Levi survived.

Today, at 22 years old, Levi exemplifies the power of faith, love, and determination. Levi’s interests are diverse. An adventurer at heart, he loves exploring new places. Known for his kindness and generosity, Levi cherishes his bonds with family and friends.

A strong Christian, Levi credits his survival to God’s mighty arm and the global prayers and support he received. His favorite Bible verse, Psalm 139, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” reflects his deep faith and gratitude.

As an added bonus, we hope that making this film will help us locate Levi’s biological family and uncover the circumstances that led to his injuries and abandonment in the field.

Saving Levi, Saving Herself and Chinese American Love Story

Interview by John Glionna

I sat at the restaurant, right by the now-grown boy who used to wear the №8 jersey.

And I marveled.

Now 19, newly graduated from high school, he leaned in toward the teenage girl sitting next to him, asking questions about her tastes and interests, leading the conversation.

He was like a new-generation Humphrey Bogart, confidant, out on the town, in total control of the situation, his movements oozing panache, his smile perfect.

Watching this young man named Levi, I wanted to stand and applaud the untamed power of the human spirit. I have known Levi since he was five years old, watching him play soccer on that ragged field in Beijing, reporting a story about a physically-deformed boy who had been left to die in a cornfield, and about the unfailing efforts of his adopted mother, who had achieved something that bordered on the impossible.

Levi’s life was one that had literally risen from the ashes, with the help of his indomitable savior, Lisa Misraje.

On the sidelines of that youth soccer game in 2007, the woman who would eventually become a dear friend marveled aloud as she watched her child careen across the soccer field.

His lower face was a mask of scar tissue, his left arm gone at the elbow, the toes on his left foot missing as he zigzagged along the grass in defiance of his disabilities.

Lisa saw none of those imperfections.

She saw something beautiful.

“Isn’t he happy?” she said. “Look at the joy coming out of him!”

– John Glionna

Levi Playing Varsity Basketball

Levi’s Workout

Levi Models for Nike Shoes